Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a year

It's now been a year since I left London.

I haven't even looked at my passport in quite some time, and this morning I dug it out to use as ID to open up a new bank account. I was looking through the stamps and reading the dates, and then I saw the department of homeland security stamped september 30, 2007, the day I flew into JFK from Gatwick. It was an interesting flight, I had a layover in Bermuda that I was not aware of until after receiving e-mail confirmation on my flight on Zoom, which has now gone bankrupt. So has Washington Mutual, making me once again a Chase customer. That's going to change today though, as Chase and I have already had quite the falling out together.

It seems like everyone is going bankrupt, Wall Street, WaMu, America, and soon me probably.

It's so funny how much can happen in just one year's time.

1 comment:

Edith Bunker said...

wamu, boohoo! It's that infantile use of WaMu. if they stayed with the grown-up version, "Washington Mutual" everything would be ok. And that damn Chase bank. It's like my own little Johnny.