Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the big meats


Cigarette free. Not to brag, but I'm doing it without any sort of gums or patches or any of that shit. It's on my own. I'm just going without.

I've just turned into a crazy asshole. I've always been a bit neurotic, but now I'm just a cranky jerk with huge mood swings. It makes me really fun to be around, so I've spent quite a bit of time reading, and the rest of my time blaming everything on my dog. I thought that after a few days, the cravings would sort of subside. I really believed that after a week, I wouldn't still pine for that first cigarette of the day after that first big meal, but no, the feeling is still glaringly there. I am going to hold out though, in hopes that it will get better, but with gritted teeth.

Thanks, David Sedaris. I don't think I could do it without you right now.

1 comment:

Edith Bunker said...

It's all in your head you wimp. I found pregnacy to be the most potent motivater. guess that one won't pull you through.