Friday, December 19, 2008


Okay, so I'm not exactly good with money. These last few days I have been adding up my debts and the grand totals are truly alarming. The last few years have been quite the roller coaster and the real world is coming up quicker on the horizon than I had originally planned. I knew I would have to deal with it at all some point and to my credit, I have ran away from it for years now. I've had some free time lately though, and its led me to understand that... it's time to deal with this shit. I think my only option is to make like the rest of the country: declare bankruptcy and hope for the best. I'm getting all my ducks in a row and then calling a lawyer that will hopefully be thrilled to call and deal with things that I just can't bring myself to even think about.

It really is too bad that you can't just go back in time, just so to do a few things differently.

While looking up lawyers and reading all about debtor's rights today, I also got a few other much more exciting things accomplished. I mustered up the courage to call Chicago Public Radio and and now I have a phone interview on Monday, which makes me incredibly happy and hopeful.

I also got tickets to go with Matt to San Francisco in February, marking a whole year together. =)

Life can be so sweet and sour.

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