Tuesday, December 16, 2008

chrissmas up date

Christmas time seems to be upon us once again and I for one am thrilled. It's going to be hard to top the last few Christmases I've had. Last year, I went home to my Mother's and it was a depressing affair, as my Mom was in a very sour mood and the boyfriend I had brought home at the time was awful, so I proceeded to drink my little heart out until my Mom insisted that she drive me to the train, while I sang Pat Benetar to her as loud as I could.

This year, however, is already shaping up to be better. Matt and I did a little decorating last night, as seen by Sable at the Christmas lamp. I'm also holding out a faint hope of getting a car for Christmas. I've been talking to my Dad about getting a cheap one to get around the city in the winter and he seems surprisingly receptive to the idea and wants to help me get one. But I spoke to him yesterday and found out that while looking for a car for me, he bought himself one instead! Apparently he bought it "with me in mind", but I don't really know how you can see a red Cadillac Eldorado and think that it would be a good car for your gay son that lives in the ghetto. But now it's just so perfect for him that he's just going to have to keep looking. Hrmph.

As for Chicago Public Radio, we have been e-mailing each other for the last few weeks trying to set up times to be interviewed, and now I feel like it's looking grim. I'm not giving up hope quite yet though, I will do that once I know the internship should have already started. Maybe I will just work up the courage to just call them, to plea to work for free.

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